Pancit Molo

A definite best seller, Filipinos from around the country and around the world have come to love the distinct flavor of authentic Pancit Molo Soup.

Enjoyed on its own, or as a side dish along with other Ilonggo delicacies, Pancit Molo is a soothing and a heart warming dish that many find difficult to stop eating.

Want to enjoy Pancit Molo without having to individually make Pancit Molo Balls? We sell frozen Pancit Molo Balls ready for you to simmer into a pot to enjoy delicious Pancit Molo anytime!

Contact us today for Frozen Authentic Pancit Molo Balls delivered to you!



Why it is called Pancit Molo?

Pancit Molo got its name from the place it originated – the District of Molo. Pancit Molo is one of the more identifiable pancit dishes in the country. It stands out uniquely among the noodle dishes – you won’t find any noodle shaped ingredients that is traditionally associated with the word “Pancit”. It is a derivative of the Chinese wonton (filled dumplings) made into a soup.

The District of Molo, Iloilo

Molo is one of the seven districts of Iloilo City. It was a separate municipality before it was incorporated into the municipality of Iloilo by virtue of Act No. 719 of 1903. It is also known as the “Athens of the Philippines” because it has produced some of the country’s greatest philosophers and political leaders, including a chief justice, three justices, nine senators, seven governors, numerous generals, congressmen, and cabinet officials.

Molo is home to St. Anne Parish Church, more commonly known as Molo Church, which lies in front of the Molo Plaza. The national high school of the city, Iloilo City National High School, is located in Molo. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) are among the government agencies with regional offices in Molo.

Molo has 25 Barangays which include:

  • Calumpang
  • Cochero
  • Compania
  • East Baluarte
  • East Timawa
  • Habog-Habog Salvacion
  • Infante
  • Kasingkasing
  • Katilingban
  • Molo Boulevard
  • North Avanceña
  • North Baluarte
  • North Fundidor
  • North San Jose
  • Poblacion
  • San Antonio
  • San Juan
  • San Pedro
  • South Baluarte
  • South Fundidor
  • South San Jose
  • Taal
  • Tap-oc
  • West Habog-Habog
  • West Timawa

Famous Landmarks of Molo Iloilo

  • St. Anne Parish Church, also known as Molo Church
  • Molo Plaza
  • The Medical City – Iloilo
  • Iloilo Doctor’s Hospital
  • Iloilo Doctor’s College
  • Iloilo City Community College
  • John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University
  • Holy Rosary Academy
  • St. Therese – MTC Colleges
  • Asilo De Molo
  • Dominican Sisters Mother House
  • Mill Hill Missionaries
  • Molo Mansion

Pancit Molo Wrapper Recipe

1 cup all purpose flour
1 whole egg
1 teaspoon butter
Little water

Knead very well till smooth

Note: Keep dough ball in fridge for a 1 day
Mix all the ingredients and form a ball
Roll in pasta maker until it reaches # 5, 2 times

Cut into triangle shape

Pancit Molo Balls

  • 1/4 kilo ground pork,
  • 1/6 kilo shrimp,
  • 3 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 cake tahuri
  • 1/2 pinch salt
  • 1 whole egg
  • Soy sauce, rufina patis to taste

Pancit Molo Soup

  • Boil the chicken, take out, and chop the chicken meat.
  • Sauté the onions in star margarine (3 Tbsp).
  • Add the chicken and put it back into the chicken broth.
  • Add seasoning to taste and put the Pancit Molo balls.
  • Add margarine for coloring and last the kutsay.